Disentangling and Integrating Relational and Sensory Information in Transformer Architectures

Awni Altabaa, John Lafferty
Department of Statistics & Data Science
Yale University

A depiction of self-attention and relational attention


The Transformer architecture processes sequences by implementing a form of neural message-passing that consists of iterative information retrieval (attention), followed by local processing (position-wise MLP). Two types of information are essential under this general computational paradigm: “sensory” information about individual objects, and “relational” information describing the relationships between objects. Standard attention naturally encodes the former, but does not explicitly encode the latter. In this paper, we present an extension of Transformers where multi-head attention is augmented with two distinct types of attention heads, each routing information of a different type. The first type is the standard attention mechanism of Transformers, which captures object-level features, while the second type is a novel attention mechanism we propose to explicitly capture relational information. The two types of attention heads each possess different inductive biases, giving the resulting architecture greater efficiency and versatility. The promise of this approach is demonstrated empirically across a range of tasks.

Summary of Paper

The Transformer architecture can be understood as an instantiation of a broader computational paradigm implementing a form of neural message-passing that iterates between two operations: 1) information retrieval (self-attention), and 2) local processing (feedforward block). To process a sequence of objects \(x_1, \ldots, x_n\), this general neural message-passing paradigm has the form

\[\begin{align*} x_i &\gets \mathrm{Aggregate}(x_i, {\{m_{j \to i}\}}_{j=1}^n)\\ x_i &\gets \mathrm{Process}(x_i). \end{align*}\]

In the case of Transformers, the self-attention mechanism can be seen as sending messages from object \(j\) to object \(i\) that are encodings of the sender’s features, with the message from sender \(j\) to receiver \(i\) given by \(m_{j \to i} = \phi_v(x_j)\). These messages are then aggregated according to some selection criterion based on the receiver’s features, typically given by the softmax attention scores.

We posit that there are essentially two types of information that need to be routed between objects under this general computational paradigm for sequence modeling: 1) sensory information describing the features and attributes of individual objects, and 2) relational information about the relationships between objects. The standard attention mechanism of Transformers naturally encodes the former, but does not explicitly encode the latter.

To capture routing relational information between objects, we propose a novel attention mechanism called relational attention. Under the message-passing lens, in relational attention, the message from object \(j\) to object \(i\) is \(m_{j \to i} = (r(x_i, x_j), s_j)\): the relation between the sender and the receiver \(r(x_i, x_j)\) tagged with the identity of the sender \(s_j\). The relation \(r(x_i, x_j)\) is represented by an inner product of feature maps, capturing a comparison of the two objects’ features under different filters. The identity of the sender is encoded by a vector \(s_j\) that we call object \(j\)’s “symbol”—it acts as a pointer to the object, enabling a relation-centric representation that is disentangled from sensory information.

\[\begin{align*} \mathrm{RelationalAttention}(x, (y_1, \ldots, y_n)) &= \sum_{i=1}^{n} \alpha_i(x, \boldsymbol{y}) \left( r(x, y_i) W_r + s_i W_s \right), \\ \alpha(x, \boldsymbol{y}) &= \mathrm{Softmax}\big(\big[\langle \phi_{q, \ell}^{\mathrm{attn}}(x), \phi_{k, \ell}^{\mathrm{attn}}(y_i)\rangle\big]_{i=1}^{n}\big) \in \Delta^n,\\ r(x, y) &= \big(\langle \phi_{q, \ell}^{\mathrm{rel}}(x), \phi_{k, \ell}^{\mathrm{rel}}(y)\rangle\big)_{\ell \in [d_r]} \in \mathbb{R}^{d_r},\\ (s_1, \ldots, s_n) &= \mathrm{SymbolRetriever}(\boldsymbol{y}; S_{\mathrm{lib}}). \end{align*}\]

In relational attention, there exists two sets of query/key feature maps. \(\phi_{q, \ell}^{\mathrm{attn}}, \phi_{k, \ell}^{\mathrm{attn}}\) are learned feature maps that control the selection criterion for which object(s) in the context to attend to (i.e., they are used to compute the attention scores \(\alpha(x, \boldsymbol{y}) \in \Delta^n\)). \(\phi_{q, \ell}^{\mathrm{attn}}, \phi_{k, \ell}^{\mathrm{attn}}\) are learned feature maps that represent the relationship between pairs of objects through inner product comparisons \(\langle \phi_{q, \ell}^{\mathrm{rel}}(x), \phi_{q, \ell}^{\mathrm{rel}}(y)\rangle\). The \(\mathrm{SymbolRetriever}\) learns a library of symbols \(S_{\mathrm{lib}}\) and assigns a symbol to each object acting as a pointer or identifier. We consider three symbol assignment mechanisms that identify objects via: their absolute position in the sequence, their position relative to the receiver, or an equivalence class over their features.

To develop a model that supports both fundamental types of information (sensory and relational), we propose dual attention—a variant of multi-head attention composed of two types of attention heads. Standard self-attention heads handle routing sensory information between objects while relational attention heads handle routing relational information between objects. This gives rise to the Dual Attention Transformer, a versatile sequence model with both sensory and relational inductive biases.

An algorithmic description of Dual Attention.


We empirically evaluate the Dual Attention Transformer (DAT) architecture on a range of tasks covering different domains and modalities, comparing against a standard Transformer with a matching total number of attention heads. We give a preview of our experimental results below. Note that these plots are interactive; the sliders at the bottom of the plots expose results across different tasks or configurations.

Data-efficient Relational Reasoning: Relational Games

The first set of experiments evaluates the data-efficiency of DAT on visual relational reasoning tasks. We consider the “Relational Games” benchmark which is used for evaluating relational architectures. The learning curves depicted in the plot below show that DAT is significantly more data-efficient compared to a Transformer in learning relational tasks.

Improved Symbolic Reasoning in Sequence-to-Sequence tasks: Mathematical Problem-Solving

To probe DAT’s abilities in symbolic reasoning in sequence-to-sequence tasks, we evaluate it on a mathematical problem-solving benchmark. The training curves below show that DAT learns faster and reaches higher accuracy compared to a Transformer of the same size.

Improvements in Language Modeling

Language modeling is an important sequence modeling task that has enabled remarkable applications through modern large language models. We begin to evaluate DAT’s language modeling abilities through the “Tiny Stories” benchmark for small language models. We find that the relational inductive biases of DAT yield modest improvements in language modeling.

The Benefits of Relational Inductive Biases in Vision: Image Recognition with ImageNet

Finally, we return to evaluating DAT on a vision task —object classification with the ImageNet dataset. We use a Vision Transformer-style architecture where the input image is divided into patches that are flattened and transformed into a sequence of embeddings. We find that DAT learns significantly faster and reaches higher accuracy compared to a standard Vision Transformer.


Our code is publicly available and contains detailed instructions for reproducing our experimental results. We also share complete experimental logs for the experiments reported in the paper through the W&B online portal to promote transparency and reproducibility. For each experimental run, this includes the git commit ID associated with the version of the code that was used to run the experiment, the script and command line arguments associated with the experimental run, the hardware used for that run, and metrics tracked over the course of training.

Experiment Links
Relational Games code / logs
Mathematical Problem-Solving code / logs (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Language Modeling code / logs
Image Recognition code / logs


    title={Disentangling and Integrating Relational and Sensory Information in Transformer Architectures},
    author={Awni Altabaa and John Lafferty},
    journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.08856}